Thursday 7 April 2011

Prueba diagnostica---BY--->Martin Rossi

What things will they be used for in future?
I thing that in the future computers would be used to do everything even to walk, because the dependence on it is increasing every day that pass and is a big problem because the people will start to do less exercise in order to use it more.
In hospitals they will be used to do the operations and any kind of difficult stuff ‘cause the computers are thought to be more exact than humans (wrong thought)

Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits?
        For me the dependence on computers are a real problem because as I said in the last paragraph the people believe that computers are more exact than humans just  because they can do the things quicker but they forgot that the computers can do stuff wrong and ruin everything and even worst (kind of the hospitals that a mistake can kill somebody.
        To summer up, the suspicious in computers should exist but that doesn’t mean that computers should be clean from world, we must used it as a tool not to do things with it completely because that is what creates the dependence.

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